Fall Retreat is a great opportunity for students to grow in their faith and connect with other like minded believers. Early bird pricing is $75 and will end on September 9th. Total price is $100 until the deadline of October 9th. If you're interested in being an adult volunteer or leader, please email awelborn@mtairybaptist.com.
Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God"

October 25-27 we will be heading to Camp Chatuga to pause and unplug for the weekend. Every day, students wake up with an enormous amount of things to do in their day. It's a never ending cycle of school, sports, clubs, work, friends, family, church... and not to mention all of the everyday tasks like brushing their teeth or combing their hair.

It can be a challenge for students to find time to "press pause" and when they do, a lot of them aren't sure how to invest in their time with the Lord. This weekend, they'll learn how to pray, how to study their Bible, and most importantly be still with the Lord. In all of these practices, students will become closer to God, and ultimately see the value in prioritizing their spiritual growth.

Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted. among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

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Fall Retreat is a great opportunity for students to grow in their faith and connect with other like minded believers. Early bird pricing is $75 and will end on September 9th. Total price is $100 until the deadline of October 9th. If you're interested in being an adult volunteer or leader, please email awelborn@mtairybaptist.com.